We had tested installing phpBB forum script at Fatcow web hosting running vDeck control panel, PHP, and MySQL database. The setup process was easy and quick. Now, we are going to test vBulletin forum script at Fatcow web hosting. Vbulletin require more server resources and processing, and thus it’s important to test it. The vBulletin forum software is not free and user are require to purchase license before proceed with site setup.
Fatcow vbulletin forum web hosting? We had uploaded the latest vBulletin script to server and install it at a test directory. After follow all the prompt to setup vBulletin and complete the whole installation process, we are now testing the vBulletin forum site. Viewing it, browse few of its links, create new member account, and make a posting to the forum. The new vBulletin forum appears to be working fine. Website speed is reasonable fast too.
Fatcow web hosting is green host selling at discount price of $3.15 per month, and that is one good bargain.
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