Fatcow uptime by www.FatcowReview.org for September 2009: 99.776% over the internet
Last month Fatcow uptime was 99.9%, and this month Fatcow uptime compiled as 99.776% over the internet. Only few minor downtime for this month. Server is responding fast, and by this we assure that Fatcow server is performing well normally.
Fatcow hosting is very famous now, famous for their quality shared hosting. Good uptime, high performance server, and quality technical support. Most importantly, Fatcow hosting are offering at special discount price $3.67 per month right now. Fatcow hosting is a green hosting company, a carbon neutral hosting company, and we highly recommend green hosting. Fatcow hosting is compatible with all PHP scripts that we tested so far, including forum, ecommerce, blog, CMS. And future review will take use to web directory installation and Ruby on rails RoR website hosting at Fatcow.