
Fatcow hosting is a PHP web hosting plan that allows you to install various open source PHP scripts in it, similar with other cPanel hosting that you find. And with no different, Fatcow hosting comes with InstallCentral installer that is similar to cPanel Fantastico that enable quick script installation and setup. Fatcow InstallCentral is accessible directly via Fatcow vDeck control panel. And from install central, you can choose few categories of PHP scripts to install; CMS, blogs, galleries, forums, e-commerce, and more.

Fatcow web hosting is now complete with vDeck control panel with InstallCentral installer.

If you’d like a blog, forum, photo gallery, etc. for your site, InstallCentral might be the place to look for one. They’re completely free, and we take care of the installation and upgrade process. But please note: we only support the installation of InstallCentral apps, not the application itself.

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